Kaleidos Blog

¡Lo hemos conseguido! Nuestro momento ha llegado.

Llevamos meses negociando esta enorme oportunidad para Kaleidos y por fin podemos anunciar que hemos conseguido la financiación de una ronda de inversión serie A de $8M para tener la certeza de que podemos centrarnos en construir productos open source para equipos multidisciplinares.

PIWEEK XXII: New Normal Edition

For the first time in 5 editions, we could finally meet in person again, during the 22nd edition of our PIWEEK (Personal Innovation Week). Woohoo! Well, actually it was a hybrid version of it: some kaleiders stayed home and some others combined their home desk with the re-experience of sharing the office.

Fun activities at our workplace

At Kaleidos, we love organizing fun activities at work that are non-work related. That’s the space where we get to know each other, have a good time and unwind from the daily routine.

Why Open Source?

In recent years, companies have increased their trust in open source and the capacity of developer communities to create open, inclusive and high-quality technologies. This is a very positive transformation that we should take advantage of and support.