Kaleidos Open Source

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Lovely creatures and a bunch of AI and solo initiatives in the winter ΠWEEK XXIII edition (Part 2)

More than ever, many members of Kaleidos went solo with their own projects on this ΠWEEK winter edition. Some kaleiders made improvements in personal projects and some others started from scratch. Investing a whole week on your own can be challenging as well as gratifying. Enjoy the reading just as we enjoyed discovering the following initiatives on the demo day.

Lovely creatures and a bunch of AI and solo initiatives in the winter ΠWEEK XXIII edition (Part 1)

PIWEEKs are an end in themselves. They seek to experiment, allow us to innovate and, along the way, come across new tools, face frustrations that are different from those of everyday life, and collaborate with colleagues who we don’t usually work with.

¡Lo hemos conseguido! Nuestro momento ha llegado.

Llevamos meses negociando esta enorme oportunidad para Kaleidos y por fin podemos anunciar que hemos conseguido la financiación de una ronda de inversión serie A de $8M para tener la certeza de que podemos centrarnos en construir productos open source para equipos multidisciplinares.

PIWEEK XXII: New Normal Edition (Part 2)

About pixel art, medical data, holidays and archery projects: open source and available in their respective repositories.

PIWEEK XXII: New Normal Edition

For the first time in 5 editions, we could finally meet in person again, during the 22nd edition of our PIWEEK (Personal Innovation Week). Woohoo! Well, actually it was a hybrid version of it: some kaleiders stayed home and some others combined their home desk with the re-experience of sharing the office.

PIWEEK XXI (Part 2): A total of 21 weeks of innovation so far

About pixel-art and VR games, sites to keep your recipes online or to keep track of your mead brews, an online whiteboard or how to access your medical data.

PIWEEK XXI: A total of 21 weeks of innovation so far

How many times have you mentioned spending some quality time on a super cool project that could let you look into a new technology or explore new tools but you’ve never had time to do so?

Taiga and Penpot lead our new chapter at Kaleidos

The best projects are the evergreen projects, the ones that keep you on your toes long after they’re launched and especially the ones that get developed by the best people.

20 PIWEEKs en 10 años (2/2): de tareas digitalizadas y visualización de datos

Visualizar datos para poder trabajar sobre ellos, tomar decisiones o, simplemente, tener un termómetro de la realidad es lo que tienen en común varios de los proyectos que presentamos ahora.