Just a quick post to tell our readers that we launched taiga.io this past Monday. It was meant to be a silent launch. “We will slowly tell our friends and families about this and get some valuable feedback before we really share this”. So the next day we had our Taiga day, an off-site day to celebrate our way of doing things. What a day! We’ll soon share some pictures, it was a blast. The next day we started to share it “guerrilla style” until Ricky Posner, one of the Taiga founders and investors, went to HackerNews and shared it there. “Hey guys! I just posted taiga.io on HN, maybe you could upvote it”.
It wasn’t necessary, in a matter of minutes it made it to the front page and after a short time, it was #1 on HN. We pictured a giant meteorite directed towards our stealth strategy. Everything went out of control.
It’s still is :) But it’s being fun. We’ll post an update soon.