Xavier Julián Olmos

⨯ clear

UpFrontConf 2015

Last week, Kaleidos shipped an expedition composed by Juan de la Cruz, Ramiro Sánchez and Xavier Julian (me!) to attend a brand new conference in Manchester: UpFrontConf. The team grabbed their baggage to the too cold, too windy and too rainy northern city and prepared for the mission: do not miss a bit about some of the most interesting faces out there and bring back a full bundle of ideas to apply to our projects.

ΠWEEK: Rethinkscape

Since I attended LibreGraphics 2013 conference in Madrid the idea of open source design has been going around in my head. A Kaleidos designer (or a front-end developer) uses open source software in his day-to-day work but sadly, most of it lacks basic usability and design features. This ΠWEEK was slightly different for some of us: after some years using Inkscape as our main design software we decided we should contribute to the community with what we know how to do best: our passion for design (yes, no code involved here, sorry).

Mangosta, ΠWEEK y Web Components

Oficina. Interior. Día. Un momento cualquiera en el pasado.

Un front-end sujeta un machete entre los dientes, aprieta fuerte su mandíbula y siente cómo el sudor le recorre las mejillas. Titubea. Resopla. Finalmente, se adentra en la espesa jungla de código del proyecto con la esperanza de salir vivo de allí y poder commitear.

Codemotion Rome 2014

There is no need to introduce Codemotion, an event that happens in some cities in Europe where development communities meet in one space for a two day conference with different programming languages and tracks for every developer’s need and flavour. One of them takes place in Madrid where you will easily find most of the Kaleidos team. However, the main event was born and is still being hosted by the incredible city of Rome.

So, there I was, invited by the organization of the event: Codemotion Rome 2014.

LibreGraphics Meeting 2013: resumen

Este año se celebró en Madrid la V edición del Encuentro Internacional Libre Graphics, donde se intenta reunir a diseñadores, artistas visuales, teóricos del diseño y desarrolladores para intercambiar ideas y proponer caminos de mejora para las herramientas visuales dentro del entorno, cada vez más importante, del open design. Kaleidos envió una pequeña representación a un evento que superó con creces nuestras expectativas en cuanto a temáticas, creatividad, innovación, organización y estado de los proyectos.