
⨯ clear

Geb 101: Simple Scripts

These days I’m in between projects, so I decided to automate a task related to a web interface and a tedious list shaped as an HTML form. This automation would imply two processes: parsing an HTML page and filling some fields in another page, plus some small and simple processing.

Groovy tales from the GeeCON

This past week I was at GeeCON in Prague talking about Metaprogramming with Groovy. It’s a topic that I know pretty well because I’ve used it in many projects during the past five years.

ΠWEEK postmortem: EVE

La semana pasada vivimos intensamente la sexta piweek en Kaleidos. El reto, como siempre, era tener un MVP que poder presentar el viernes, fruto de una buena idea y trabajo duro.

Tres Kaleiders en GR8Conf

Los pasados 2 al 4 de junio un pequeño grupo de Kaleiders: Juanfran, Mario y yo, hemos asistido a GR8Conf en Copenhague. Se trata de la conferencia de Groovy y de todo el ecosistema a su alrededor más importante de Europa.